[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]I’m so excited that my mum and little sister is coming to London to visit us next week! It’s time for me to find my wedding dress! I pretty much know what I want so I hope I will find the special one next week. The wedding planning is moving along, just a hick up. We can’t have our first look at the castle that we had planned for. So we need to find a new location. I’m happy that we found out now because we are going to drive down to the venue in March to take more pictures, try the catering, cake etc. It’s such a beautiful area so I know we are going to find the perfect place.
For those that follow me on Instagram (photographermikaelasvarfvar) have seen on my Insta stories that I have lost a tooth. The same tooth I had problems with for three years. I waiting to get an appointment to pull the roots and then get a fake tooth.
I started my new job with a broken smile. I cried and cried because I felt so weird and awkward to smile. And mostly because that I’m scared that I will not have a great smile on our wedding day! I had two options, one cheaper and one very expensive. Problem is that if I go for the more expensive one I’m not sure it will be done in time for the wedding! After we are married I will have the surgery to get the tooth.
But like everything in life, it’s good to be sad but then dry your tears and think what you can do to fix it. Most important for me is that I will marry my Cornel! And no matter what happens, nothing can take away the joy of marrying him!
My main focus is work, save money for the wedding and preparing myself for my couple’s weddings! I’m so glad that I have found a job that I don’t need to commute to! That gives me so much more time for my business!
I have been living in London for three months now. It’s a lot of stuff have happened and it have been much harder than I ever thought it would be. I miss my family, most of all my nephews and niece. I’m sad not be able to pick them up from school or just drive by to play with them.
Everything happens for a reason and I need to remind myself why I moved. Also, to remember the good times instead of wanting it back. It’s a new chapter in my and Cornels life. And it’s time for me to find some friends here. I don’t know how or where but I need friends here. They will not replace my friends in Sweden though because I love my friends so much!
Not saying that I have been scared out of my mind since I moved here would be a lie. Fears are meant to conquer and overcome! Step by step I will do just that!
I’m grateful that I have opportunities to grow as a photographer here, I just need to find them and go for it.
The chosen one
February 14, 2018
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